Three words that describe me: hopefulness, truthfulness and faithfulness. I am just an exquisite and nonstandard girl, living in an underprivileged yet cherished world. Only laughing at the petty things but nevertheless, Im just as blessed as the next. I write because it makes me happy, helps me breathe and gives me life. So sit back & relax because you’re living in my eyes from now on.
Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence - Alice Walker
my favs™
Monday, August 22, 2011
Original & Luxuries™: #UltrabarThursdays

Happy Birthday to @PhilAde301 @KingpenSlim & @DjSoundwave1 !!! Come celebrate #UltrabarThursdays !!!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Vote For Parris Alexander!!

Voting Begins today (August 1) and ends August 15th!!!
"First Annual LSS Awards!
The most anticipated show of the year; This Annual Grammy Attire style show recognizes established and upcoming artists by nominated categories of their achievements. With a red carpet & several live performances. The LSS Awards honors singers, poets, musicians, activities, producers, new businesses and more..."
Poll Opens: August 1, 2011 @ 9:00 am
Poll Closes: August 15, 2011 @ 11:59 pm
The Life & Comedy of Parris Alexander.
Alexander the Great.
P Baby (SemiSmacked) on Twitter
What you see, isn't always what you get!
This my friends is a problem. We rarely see the NEWS being called out on how wrong they are for the News Clips they do. I always remembered my mother telling me to stay far away from and News Channel if they come around. They have the ability to twist, change and alter what you say. This is wrong. “We”, some African Americans/Blacks, always judge the NAACP for “complaining” (speaking out or voicing their opinions), but we also forget that justice should be served at ALL TIMES! What are your thoughts on this?
A MUST See!!!
I’ve always loved movies like this. = ) Let’s not forget where we came from, but most importantly lets not forget where we are going.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thanks Tyga!!
- Tyga
Okay, so this video is an eleven minute tour of ShoeZeum, given by Jordy Geller. The ShoeZum is a 9,000 square- foot shoe sanctuary that will have you pretty much have you going crazy. There are more than 2,000 pairs of Nikes. Do you know how much I use to love Nikes? *sigh*
Monday, July 25, 2011
Maybe you forgot...
My world it moves so fast today
The past it seems so far away
And I squeeze it so tight, I can't breathe
And every time I try to be
What someone has thought of me
So caught up, I wasn't able to achieve
But deep in my heart the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to find my own destiny
I look at my environment
And wonder where the fire went
What happened to everything we used to be
I hear so many cry for help
Searching outside of themselves
Now I know His strength is within me
And deep in my heart the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to find my own destiny
And deep in my heart the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to find my own destiny
Monday, May 30, 2011
What Today Brings!
“Sticks and stones are hard on bones. Aimed with angry art, words can sting like anything. But silence breaks the heart.” - Unknown
Egalitarian - asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people.....
"Just call this shit hiipower. Nigga nothing less than hi power"
"Just call this shit hiipower. Nigga nothing less than hiipower"
"I wrote #Section80 because I was ordered to do so. You'll never understand my life and my world. Have you ever seen a new born baby kill a man? Kendrick Lamar. The very next scene is a visual of me with the eyes of a 6 year old. My mother told me to keep this outtake because it said who I was. An infant looking for answer. Will you forgive me? I don't give a fuck about too much nowadays because of the world. Heart. Honor. Respect. Family. I'll die for that though. Will you forgive me, twice? Probably not. I watch this video and reminisce on that crazy am hour of September 13, 2010. I got a visit from Lesane Parish Crooks. Research this name. I remember being asleep. His image said "Don't let me die." I was paranoid. I said "why"? He said "because you the.....""- Kendrick Lamar
I wouldn’t sugar coat it"..This is physical and mental
You’ll die from Diabetes if these other niggas wrote it
And everything on TV just a figment of imagination
I don’t want no plastic nation
Read that like a Hatian
While you muthafckers waiting
I be off the slave ship, building pyramids writing my own hieroglyphs.."
Now.... here's the video. Tell me what you think.
Kendrick Lamar 'HiiiPOWER'
Did I mention? Graduation/HBCU Edition!
I am now an Alumni of Morgan State University.....?

I guess I did. = ) I graduated on Saturday, May 21, 2011 @ 10am in the W.A.C. Hughes Stadium on Morgan State University's campus. I am still officially apart of the graduating class of 2010, I completed in December just had to wait to walk across the stage. But I made it, "Momma i made it!"
Alma Mater
- Fair Morgan, we love thee, so tried and so true,
Our hearts at thy name thrill with pride;
We owe thee allegiance, we pledge thee our faith,
A faith which shall ever abide.
We pledge thee our love, we pledge thee our faith,
Whatever the future may bring,
And thus our devotion, fidelity too,
And homage we pay as we sing. - Fair Morgan, as onward the years quickly fly,
And thou livest in memory sweet.
We bring thee our laurels whatever they be,
And lay them with joy at thy feet.
Author: Flora E. Strout
Spread the word, HBCU's are just as relevant as they were when they first were founded.
Who runs the world...? Men..
"I get it. It's just a song. This video is not about Beyonce. It's not even really about this song. My point is NOT that she shouldn't have made this song because of X, Y, and Z. My point IS: Oh, Look! X, Y, and Z exist and this song is a great tie-in to a discussion of feminism. If you've watched some of my other videos, you would be able to sense the sarcastic tone. Relax."She's clearly a feminist... and nothing's wrong with that. In fact she states that in her vlog that she is and actually gives us a website to continue our research on it if we wished to..... But what really got me while watching this video is the beginning when she says "...which by the way i don't think female domination is the goal, i think the end game should be a socially egalitarian society " which is what we all should be trying to do. We should learn to live and be EQUAL. Segregation and being divided gets us, as a people, nowhere and nowhere fast! I couldn't have said it better myself. Anyway, make sure you watch the video below and comment on it and also check out her Youtube Channel, which I'm actually trying to do at the moment.
...checking out...
Monday, May 16, 2011
Loc-umentation Pt. 2

Since April the 23rd a lot hasn't changed.. lol Well it has.. my hair is growing and I recently twist my hair at the roots. I'm certain that it will take abut 2 more months maybe?? Here's a photo:
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
E-V-Eve is BACK!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Morgan Fashion Show 1991
Mannnn I love my University!! Morgan State! Soon to be Alma Mater come May 21...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Expecting ♥
But while you're here make sure you check this months blogs...
March blogs:
February blogs:
- Speech....
- Monogamy is Unnatural for Men (The Real Reason Why...
- The Handbook to a Successful Relationship...
I know, I know,... you expect more!!!
Let me know what you want like and what you don't like, what you want hear about next and anything else.. I'm gone. Running a bit late..
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I wanna be someones she-roe!
I'm just ready to be big and great. I so can't wait... lol But I'll be patient for now. Like they always say " you can't rush greatness".
Loc-umentation Pt. 1

On Thursday, April 14, 2011 I started my locs!!! Yah me, wooohoooo. As soon as I said I wanted to start my locs any and everyone with or who've had locs asked me "Are you ready for the struggle?" lol I'm READY! Because I was already natural I didn't have to cut my hair (THANK GOD) I don't think I would have decided to start them honestly. But I'm ready. I started my hair in two strand twist. I think I've made the right decision. So this is the first blog discussing and sharing my Loc-mentation. Trust me their will be plenty more to share with you all. And because of my recent "hair change" check me out on my NEW twitter name at @TheLovelyLocs... Yea, I'm pressed, I know..
Elton John's Words
"Laughing like children, living like lovers rolling like thunder under the covers." - Elton John
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
My ♥
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Handbook to a Successful Relationship... Pt. 2
“There's compromising, patience, faithfulness, respect, forgiveness, togetherness, and trust which also comes with honesty and COMMUNICATION.”
Here are some questions that will be answered:
1) What is the definition?
2) Why is it important in a “successful relationship”?
3) What are some examples of it in a “successful relationship”?
4) How is it displayed correctly?
Before I begin, I will say this. My boyfriend and I do not have the equivalent of a “PERFECT RELATIONSHIP” however WE are working towards a “successful relationship”, like many other couples out there. From observation of many couples and marriages and divorces I’ve noticed certain characteristics; “rules”. We know that in today’s society a lot of situations are changing. People aren’t exactly the typical HUSBAND and WIFE or GIRLFRIEND and BOYFRIEND anymore. Things have changed and evolved into something much more. According, in the United States alone:
- 41% of first marriages end in divorce
- 60% of second marriages end in divorce
- 73% of third marriages end in divorce
Let’s start with COMMUNICATION, since that is my favorite. COMMUNICATION is defined as “an ongoing dynamic process of sharing meaning. Sharing both our ideas and feelings w/out forsaking for the other one.” According to Thomas E. Harris and Mark D. Nelson, authors of Applied Organizational Communication, communication is a very vital part of the human race. Communication is a process where there is a mutual assignment of meaning, simultaneous responses by all persons in the transaction, ongoing giving and receiving of multiple messages, circularity, and numerous channels of communication. Communication is what keeps this world going. Whether it may be nonverbal or verbal communication, it plays a major part in Society.
The verbal communication source has four roles:
- to determine the meaning of what is to be communicated
- to encode the meaning into a message
- to send the message
- to react to a listener's response to the message
a. Kinesics is body movement and body posture as well as facial expressions or gestures.
b. Paralanguage is considered to be the vocal quality/pitch, loudness, and tempo: sometimes also including facial expressions and gestures.
c. Sex roles- the biological prescriptions about what males and females should do with their bodies.
d. Gender Roles refer to the ways women and men are socially and culturally assigned feminine and masculine behaviors.
People may not understand how important communication in a “successful relationship” is, or any relationship for that matter. The thing that makes communication between significant others so important is that a miscommunication can alter so many things.
To Be Continued….
More to come....
Quote/History Of The Day!!
"I believe in me more than anything in this world"
- Wilma Rudolph
Wilma Glodean Rudolph
June 23, 1940 - November 12, 1994
An American Athlete.
- She became a track star, going to her first Olympic Games in 1956 at age 16. She won a bronze medal in the 4x4 relay.
- On September 7th, 1960, in Rome, she became the first American woman to win three gold medals in the Olympics.
- In the year 1997, the Governor proclaimed June 23 a Wilma Rudolph Day in Tennessee.
Biography from "Women In History"
Biography from "Wilma Rudolph"
All Done = D
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Handbook to a Successful Relationship...
I think there are a couple of things that need to happen to make a relationship a "successful relationship". There's compromising, patience, faithfulness, respect, forgiveness, togetherness, and trust which also comes with honesty and COMMUNICATION (notice I bolded the word, it's my favorite if you didn't already know; it's what I do). I'm not saying we've mastered all of these or that our relationship is PERFECT, but I think we're alright.. lol = )
So soon I'll be writing about these characteristics or qualities of a successful relationship and my opinion on what they should be and what they sometimes end up being.....
So stay tuned. = )
Monogamy is Unnatural for Men (The Real Reason Why Men Cheat)
I need opinions!!! What do you think about this? The REAL reason why men cheat...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
KING Sunday @ The Reserve

As you all may know MLK is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc...
MLK was indeed a KING.
Here are the: What's, Who's, When's & Where's....
Everyone Free before 11:00pm
Dress Code - Dress to impress.. (No white or black tees)
Reserve Lounge:
1424 L ST. NW Washington, DC
Reserve Drinks Specials
Valet Parking Available
Hope to see you and your friends there!!!!
For more information about this upcoming Sunday's event or future events you can follow them on their twitter page at Everlasting Evolution also you check them out of facebook at Everlasting Evolution.
"Enhance Your Entertainment Experience with Everlasting Evolution in Conjunction with Team Doeboy & Brovahood Ent!"
Once a Girl Scout...
For some reason I am so excited to help out with Girl Scouts. The way I see it is, if you aren't doing anything else with your time then you might as well volunteer. Why not? Sitting around literally doing nothing can't be fun at all. With so much time on my hands from school being over (check out next blog for that) I'm able and liable to get into and involved in everything. Why not let it be positive. I need something to do with my time, it can't just sit around. Yes reading is fundamental, but that gets really old once you've read all the books on your book shelf. Plus its only right to get up and do something and go somewhere, at least once in a while.
I would put up a picture, but I don't even have a picture of me in girl scouts it's been so long ago.
Day 1...
But not only is it day1 of recovery, it's also Day 1 of me using "Shea Moisture". Basically Shea Moisture is a line of products established in 1912. These products consist of Black Soap and homemade hair and skin essentials. Remember I am natural, so I'm definitely going to go fr the natural products. Today I used the black soap and washed and conditioned my hair with their Organic Raw Shea Butter

I've been natural for a year and 5 whole months already.
I'm too excited. = ) It looks like a little ush bush... lol
But since this is day number 1 of recovery/Shea Moisture, i definitely will be checking in and letting you know how these products really work.