This is a picture of us all at the Morgan State University Coronation on Wed., October 7, 2009
Our lovely Miss Morgan State University, Ashley Hines, in the middle.

@OptimisticATL @MissVona07 & @Ldottie

This is my Sister Circle.. the ladies who irritate me (jk jk lol), spoil me, love me and most importantly get me through the day... besides the all and mighty GOD upstairs.. They are the coolest, strongest, and striving-ist bunch of women I've every known outside of my own family..

(l to r): @f1rstlady @ldottie @cbreedy & @rel314
and sneaky @Miss_VP in the background..
We continue to smile regardless of actions of others. You may not see us all at once, but if you see one of us, you see all because our motto is "I am because we are". We represent the BEST (our families our friends, our organizations & our hometowns.)

(l to r): @f1rstlady @Miss_VP @IgoUpMorgan Morgan State University President Dr. Earl S. Richardson @cbreedy @MissVona07 & @ldottie
This is us at or President Retirement Banquet. Wednesday, October 21, 2009.
Yes, we're everywhere.... Can't you see...
I guess this is life. you meet some people, some stay in your life forever, and some fall of the face of the earth. Well these ladies.... better be here forever because I will fight one of them if they aren't...

First day of school... August 24th 2009.
(l to r): I"m sure you already know who is who, but still.. here it goes again..
@ldottie @missvona07 @rel314 @rudy_tootie @f1rstlady @Miss_vp & @HaagenDazHines
lol.... this is us.