Okay yesterday, Saturday, November 29, 2008, on a episode of Run’s House, Run's House: Episode Season 5 Ep. 10 Say Hello To My Little Friend,Vanessa and Angela came to the realization that they have a serious shopping addiction. The girls reexamine their shopping problem and how their move to Los Angeles has affected the issue. Vanessa and Angela seek advice from a therapist about their shopping addiction.
Picture from Run's House: Episodic Flipbook Season 5 Ep. 10 Say Hello To My Little Friend…

After Vanessa gave her trouble for having a shopping problem, Angela goes through Vanessa's closet and realizes they both have a shopping problem and should see a therapist.
Snippets and pieces on Vanessa and Angela’s addiction…. From the Full Summary
Click link below for full summary
“Back in LA, Vanessa is looking for the wrapping paper and almost gets crushed by the avalanche of boxes and purses that fall out of the closet when she opens it. Apparently Angela ran out of room in her closet and took over the luggage closet. Vanessa thinks Angela may have a shopping problem and suggests that she find another hobby.

When Angela goes through Vanessa's closet to find an outfit to borrow, she realizes that Vanessa may have a shopping problem too. Besides having tons of clothes that still have the tags on them, Vanessa admits to going to a store earlier that week to buy a tank top and coming out with three bags of clothes. The girls agree that they both have issues with shopping and could probably use some help.
The girls go back to their therapist and come clean about buying one outfit instead of one item. Vanessa admits that even in the store, she felt bad knowing she'd have to tell the therapist about their slip-up. When the therapist asks if Vanessa has ever felt like someone else was watching over her shoulder in this way, Angela and Vanessa realize that they might be shopping so much because for the first time in their lives, their dad isn't around to tell them not to. The therapist thinks being homesick might be at the root of the girls' shopping problems and suggests that they call their family to talk about what's going on.”
“Does your family complete you? Mine does. Life affords no greater privilege than living amongst the ones you love. Remember, a house is made of walls and ceilings, but a home is made of loving feelings. It's good to be home! God is love.”
-Rev Run
My addiction.. ugh!!

I kind of feel as if I’m addicted to shopping, I go to the mall almost three times a week and when I miss going to the mall I make up for it in purchases that I buy when I do. I buy unnecessary things, but very cute things. I have the same cardigan in like 5 different colors form H&M, the same skinny’s just in didn’t styles and colors and this is my second juicy couture bracelet.

So I, Lauren Renee, vow today, Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 4:30pm to slow down on shopping, to try my best to save up my receipts from my purchases, to buy what's needed and not wanted, and I strongly solemnly swear to use my money wisely, right after I buy these Christmas presents, lmao... But I honestly want to make important moves that will make my future better and not destroy my future. And I ask that you all do the same as I, so that we can save just a little for the right reasons; our future. okay with that note I'm about to go order me some uggs and a Zune. lol. after that purchase I'm done. Promise, PINKY SWEAR!