It is with great sympathy that I would like to sincerely apologize. Coming to the conclusion that this clearly is my fault. Even though you wooed me with your words, actions and gestures, I knew what I was getting myself into way before even introducing myself to
you. Unmoved, I continued my pursuit, very eager but I am now flustered and
unfathomable about what has taken place. Nonetheless, I knew from the beginning that you were no good for me. You would think that I would listen to my self-conscious, as she begged me not to go down the same road again, I failed to heed her warnings. Honesty is always at the tip of my tongue, but with honesty comes knavery. But such is life, so I shall continue mines. Until we met again, unkind fellow. If granted...
Original & Luxuries™
Three words that describe me: hopefulness, truthfulness and faithfulness. I am just an exquisite and nonstandard girl, living in an underprivileged yet cherished world. Only laughing at the petty things but nevertheless, Im just as blessed as the next. I write because it makes me happy, helps me breathe and gives me life. So sit back & relax because you’re living in my eyes from now on.
Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence - Alice Walker
my favs™
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Happy 1 year of Waking Up... July 22, 2011
Last year I did the unthinkable, unexpected, and probably something that me realize a few things... Maybe a lot of things. Last year I broke up with my boyfriend, the one I cared so much about. We broke up roughly about 3 days right before our one year anniversary. I did like an evaluation of my life and i realized some things about myself that i didn't like and my progress wasn't very much "in progress". Now before you jump to conclusions, this isn't a bashing letter or a "I hate nuggas" letter, matter fact this letter isn't even about him, it's about me. We're still cordial. This letter is about my growth, few things I've learned and a couple of things I've tried to better myself on.
My first point or I guess message to myself is:
1. Don't settle! Hear me out on this. It wasn't just me that settled, he settled for me as well. We both rushed into something we thought we understood but clearly weren't able to comprehend or grasp certain things that eventually harmed our relationship. I guess we were so rapped up and infatuated with the idea of having "summer love". Timing is everything. If you aren't ready for a relationship don't get into one
2. Is something wrong? Tell them!!! If something is wrong don't hesitate, the right gesture would to be to tell them at that exact moment. Don't waste time; you'll subconsciously start doing things to bother or affect one another, which will cause a ripple effect.
3. Correct them when they're wrong!!! Acknowledge all wrong doings, why wouldn't you? And when I say "Correct them when they're wrong", I am not talking about "putting men in their place". Males and females are equally wrong with the things they do. And at the time the two of us both did things that shouldn't have been done or that bothered one another. If its something you don't like, again I say don't hesitate to tell them. Of course there's something called compromising, so not everything needs to be adjusted... Just note it!
4. Don't play games, people are way too old for that! Be honest and don't hold back! What are you holding back for? Do you not want to show your true colors to early or something? Just share it... If your spouse makes you mad, don't turn and and try to make them mad. It's not cute at all. And certainly don't allow them to do that to you. One thing I learned from all of my communication classes is that, if someone genuinely loves and cares for you they won't purposely hurt you. If you think other wise, well that's something you need to have to deal with.
5. Define what is WHAT! Everybody has different definitions and meanings for different things. For Example, what one may consider to be cheating may be the others idea of only flirting or being flirtatious. Perception is everything, my dear.
6. Together be 100! A relationship is 50/50. Don't put in, if you aren't getting anything out of it. That's messed up if you're giving them all of you and that person is giving only half. Usually couples grow together, they learn together, make mistakes together and get back up and do it all over again. Basically if you are with somebody who isn't doing the share and you feel as if you're pulling all of the weight, practice points 2 (Is something wrong? Tell them!!!) and 3 (Correct them when they're wrong). If nothing changes, maybe you need to CHANGE who you're with, that's all.
But now that I've shared with you what I've learned from the past, take note. Whether you choose to use these rules, tips, advice, or whatever your choice of words, is really up to you. Just don't let me say "I told you so!"
Happy 2 year Anniversary Cancelled and Happy 1 year of Waking Up...
Friday, July 20, 2012
Lemme share w/ you something real quick, if you don't remember anything else I said, do remeber this... LIFE IS A CELEBRATION, ENJOY IT!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Original & Luxuries™: #UltrabarThursdays
Original & Luxuries™: #UltrabarThursdays: Happy Birthday to @PhilAde301 @KingpenSlim & @DjSoundwave1 !!! Come celebrate #UltrabarThursdays !!!!

Happy Birthday to @PhilAde301 @KingpenSlim & @DjSoundwave1 !!! Come celebrate #UltrabarThursdays !!!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Vote For Parris Alexander!!
Vote Parris Alexander as the Best Upcoming Comedian for the First Annual LSS Awards!!

Voting Begins today (August 1) and ends August 15th!!!
"First Annual LSS Awards!
The most anticipated show of the year; This Annual Grammy Attire style show recognizes established and upcoming artists by nominated categories of their achievements. With a red carpet & several live performances. The LSS Awards honors singers, poets, musicians, activities, producers, new businesses and more..."
Poll Opens: August 1, 2011 @ 9:00 am
Poll Closes: August 15, 2011 @ 11:59 pm
The Life & Comedy of Parris Alexander.
Alexander the Great.
P Baby (SemiSmacked) on Twitter

Voting Begins today (August 1) and ends August 15th!!!
"First Annual LSS Awards!
The most anticipated show of the year; This Annual Grammy Attire style show recognizes established and upcoming artists by nominated categories of their achievements. With a red carpet & several live performances. The LSS Awards honors singers, poets, musicians, activities, producers, new businesses and more..."
Poll Opens: August 1, 2011 @ 9:00 am
Poll Closes: August 15, 2011 @ 11:59 pm
The Life & Comedy of Parris Alexander.
Alexander the Great.
P Baby (SemiSmacked) on Twitter
What you see, isn't always what you get!
This my friends is a problem. We rarely see the NEWS being called out on how wrong they are for the News Clips they do. I always remembered my mother telling me to stay far away from and News Channel if they come around. They have the ability to twist, change and alter what you say. This is wrong. “We”, some African Americans/Blacks, always judge the NAACP for “complaining” (speaking out or voicing their opinions), but we also forget that justice should be served at ALL TIMES! What are your thoughts on this?
A MUST See!!!
I’ve always loved movies like this. = ) Let’s not forget where we came from, but most importantly lets not forget where we are going.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thanks Tyga!!
"A woman can be with any man in the world she wants to be with, but yet, she chooses you. Please don't take her for granted."
- Tyga
- Tyga
Okay, so this video is an eleven minute tour of ShoeZeum, given by Jordy Geller. The ShoeZum is a 9,000 square- foot shoe sanctuary that will have you pretty much have you going crazy. There are more than 2,000 pairs of Nikes. Do you know how much I use to love Nikes? *sigh*
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